Why Going Outside Makes Me a Better Mom

If it’s nice out, you can find us outside. We might be playing in the yard, walking the bike path, at the playground, or exploring the woods – anything outside. Even if it’s cold, you’ll find us spending at least short chunks of time outside, too. And one of the big reasons we go outside: I’m a better mom when we spend time outside.
7 Reasons I’m a Better Mom When We Spend Time Outside
My House Stays Cleaner
Self explanatory. If we’re outside, the messes stay out there too. And playing in the sandbox or the dirt or the playground doesn’t require much clean up on our part.

Kids Sleep Better
Research shows that being outside regulates your circadian rhythm and helps you sleep better. Plus, kids tend to exert more energy when they’re outside.
Vitamin D Boost
Vitamin D is a mood booster. Soaking up the sunshine will literally make you feel better. It works, y’all. I feel better on days when we’re outside. My kids tend to argue less and be less cranky.

Outside is Free
There are so many things we can do outside that cost us nothing – numerous parks, playgrounds, trails, walking paths, playing outside at home, the woods, etc. We can find so much more to do at no/low cost outside than we ever can inside.
Noise is Less Noisy
Kids are LOUD. And I love that about them; it’s just nice to take a lot of that noise outside where it’s less overstimulating for me, and I’m less likely to get cranky. Haha. Things echo less, so the boys love to be outside, because I’ll let them bang on things and yell and blow whistles and just be as loud as they want.

I can take some time to focus on my kids because I’m not in my home, inside, surrounded by everything on my to-d0 list. The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait, and I can take time to play with them and give them my undivided attention.
Or, they also play happily together and I take a few minutes to read a chapter or two of my book. Inside, I won’t pick up the book, because I can look around and see all the things I need to do. But at the playground, or in the yard, I can take time to breathe.
Curbs Snacks/Screens
When the kids don’t see the snack cabinet, they’re less likely to continually ask for snacks. And when the tv and the tablet are out of sight, they don’t ask to watch shows either.
All of these things combined are why going outside makes me a better mom on the daily. I’m happier, the kids are less cranky, and they’re not constantly asking for things (making me have to say ‘no’ 6,000 times). Everyone is in a better mood when we spend time outside, so outside we go!
You can also check out 5 reasons to play outside even when it’s cold out!
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