My Greatest Successes and Achievements in 2019

And coming soon, I’ll have a post all about my big goals and plans for a successful 2020! So keep an eye out for that.
4 Successes and Achievements in 2019
I grew my blog traffic by 900%
Y’all, that is huge. I am so, so proud of the fact that I grew my blog traffic by 9 times from 2018 to 2019. To be fair, 2019 is when I’ve really started taking my blog seriously as more than just a hobby. But it has been a lot of work to grow that traffic. And I’m nowhere near where I would eventually like to be, but I can’t believe where I’ve come from!
I turned my blog and social media into my actual job
Blogging and social media is no longer just a fun hobby. Not only am I monetizing my blog and social media accounts, but my blog allowed me to get a job writing blog posts for another blog as well. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that blogging is bringing me. When I left teaching to stay home, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Revving up my blog has made everything fall into place this year. I feel like I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, and I’m excited to see it continue to grow and take me places.
I’ve found my mom tribe
I worried when I left teaching that I would be so isolated being at home with a toddler. So I’ve been super proactive in finding mom friends, both in real life and through this whole social media/blogging thing. I even wrote a post about finding your mom tribe and shared how I’ve developed those friendships! Grateful doesn’t even begin to describe the mamas I’ve become friends with in real life; and Camden is friends with their kids too.
And I’ve found an amazing tribe of mamas through blogging as well. I’ve connected with so many moms across the country who are so amazing and supportive. If we lived closer, we’d be having play dates and coffee. But luckily, social media means I’ve still got a way to connect with them and support them.
I’ve learned a lot about who I am and who I want to be
This year – being a mom, creating my own career and business, and being in my 30s – has been a year of big personal growth. I’ve learned to stop caring so much what other people think and to celebrate who I am. I’ve really grown to understand that I’m going to do what’s best for my family, and that I don’t owe anyone my time or attention. Knowing that – and really believing it – has definitely made me happier and more content. I can’t wait to live the entire year in 2020 with no people-pleasing!
2019 has been a very blessed year. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs, but when I look back, it has overall been a year of amazing growth, learning and success. I’m so ready to set my 2020 goals and start reaching them!
What is one great achievement you’ve had in 2019? I’d love to hear so I can share in your joy!
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