Exciting IUI & Infertility Journey Update!

exciting iui infertility update

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I havenโ€™t said anything about our infertility journey since the beginning of November because we thought we were at a standstill. Our end-of-October cycle ended up just being a medicated cycle with no IUI because the necessary day fell on a weekend, and our clinic doesn’t do IUIs on the weekend.

We were extremely disappointed, but even more so when we calculated dates and realized the next two necessary days would probably fall during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, meaning there was no point in paying for ultrasounds and medication just to have two more cancelled rounds. So we thought we were in a holding pattern until January.
Little did we know, the medicated round from the end of October was successful! We found out at 4 weeks, and then we had to wait until 8 weeks to be able to have an ultrasound to check on our sweet babe ๐Ÿ’— I saw a wiggly little gummy bear, and heard a strong, perfect heartbeat.

I have no idea why we were so lucky to be successful without an actual IUI after two years of unsuccessful trying, but I am beyond grateful. What a beautiful end to a cruddy year. Goodbye 2020 and hello 2021! This infertility journey is ending with 2020 and 2021 will have a bright light for sure.

Pregnancy Update – 12 weeks

I’ll be 12 weeks this Thursday, and I’ve been feeling alllll the symptoms. I forgot how strong the exhaustion is when you’re in the first trimester, and it’s definitely harder this time around with a toddler at home. Unsurprising, my ninja monkey toddler doesn’t let me resto n the couch for very long.

The all day, every day nausea has definitely been the worst part though. Starting right around 5 weeks, I spend all day absolutely sick (thankfully not throwing up, though). At 8 weeks, when I finally had my appointment with my infertility doctor, she suggested B6 and then maybe Unisom. The B6 didn’t seem to do much, but for the past three days, I’ve taken the Unisom too, and I’ve woken up 2/3 days feeling much, much more human! So: right now, I gotta recommend Unisom to all my pregnant friends (after you talk to your doctor, obviously).

Other than that, life is just moving along pretty normally. I’ve gotten almost nothing done for the past couple of months – obviously this is the first blog in a lonnnnggg time. But with the Unisom, I actually worked a little bit for my job and got some blogging done today. Here’s to feeling like a functional person again.

To the Mama Still Waiting for Her Turn:

To the mama who is still waiting: I see you and I pray for you every day. I pray your turn is coming soon ๐Ÿ’— Iโ€™m sorry if this post brings you sadness (and I also understand, because Iโ€™ve been there).

If you want to follow along on a more day-to-day basis, hop over to Instagram and follow me there!

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