Printable Campground Scavenger Hunt and 3D Camping Shapes(Camping Week)

campground scavenger hunt

Camping Week is in full study over here, and Camden is enjoying learning about all the camping activities. Today we’re working on the letter Cc and doing a campground scavenger hunt to practice observation skills!

campground scavenger hunt pinterest image

Starting With Letter Practice

Our activity today is pretty short, so we’re practicing writing, reading and the sounds of letter C. What we do to practice the letter we’re working depends on what’s going on, who needs my attention, etc. Here are some of my favorite letter practice ideas:

boy writing letters in paint
  • paint bags on window: fill a ziploc bag with paint + shaving cream. Double bag, tape closed, and tape to the window. Have child use fingers to draw letter on paint bag and then erase and try again.
  • sand: go out to the sandbox or fill a bin with sand inside. Have child use a thick marker with the lid on to draw the letter in the sand.
  • Open a book and find the letter at least 5 times.
  • Print off a practice worksheet.

Obviously we worked on ‘c for camping,’ and we reviewed ‘A (apple)’ and ‘L (leaf)’ too.

Camping Scavenger Hunt + Book

This scavenger hunt is best done when you’re at the campground. You can click here to open and print the scavenger hunt.

Camping Scavenger Hunt

Print it off, talk about the items, and notice where you might find things (someone’s campsite vs. the woods). Read the words next to the pictures. You can also talk about what you use each of the items for, and why they’re important.

Read S is For S’mores (a Camping Alphabet) together. It will introduce your child to so many more things that they might see while you are camping. Pick three or four and add them to your scavenger hunt list (we drew them on the back).

Finding 3D Shapes in Camping

Camden knows most of the basic 2D shapes – circle, square, rectangle, star, heart, oval, etc. – so I felt like it was time to introduce the names of 3D shapes. He notices them, but calls them by their 2D names.

I have these foam 3D shapes from when I was teaching, so I pulled them out. The worksheet focuses on cylinders and triangular prisms, so that’s what I decided to teach first. I pulled those two shapes out, and we looked at them together. We noticed what 2D shapes we see on them, and what they look like (a can of soup, a pyramid, etc).

Camping and 3D Shapes

Then I told Camden that we can notice 3D shapes when we go camping too! I introduced the worksheet and we cut and glued and colored together. You can open and print the worksheet here.

Make sure you pair this with all our fun Camping Week study activities and learning!

Camping Week Activities

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