21 Month Favorites – Toys, Bath Toys, Clothes and Snacks

reaching for apple in orchard

Camden is 21 months old, and he has so many great favorites. He is in love with stuffed animals, cars, baths, and playing outside. Check out all of our 21 month favorites here! 

21 Month Favorites

*This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through a link, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog!*


It is amazing how fast toddlers grow and change, isn’t it? In the past month, Camden has started being able to hang and monkey swing on things, wanting to sit in the big chairs instead of his high chair, and eating more big kid foods. And overnight he went from calling us ‘mama and dada’ to ‘mommy and daddy.’ Sometimes I just want to slow time down so, so, so much.

But, wow! 21 months is so much fun. I see him learning and growing his brain every day, and I can’t get enough of it. He’s started telling stories and making memories. And even though he still plays with so many of his 18 month favorites, he has added a few new favorite items to his collection.


kid with tractor 21 month favorites

21 Month Favorites – Toys

Camden’s 21 month favorites in toys can be split into 3 basic categories: tractors/vehicles, stuffed animals, and things to push or ride. Currently, he loves to drive tractors, cars and trains EVERYWHERE. If we’re out somewhere, you can trust that you’ll see my kid crawling on the ground, pushing a John Deere tractor or an O-Ball car

Stuffed animals are his other great love. Every time we go somewhere, I can trust that he’ll try to take 30 stuffed animals with him. He has a few favorites, like his Pete the Cat and his pup-pup, but he also loves his stuffed llama, Hedwig, puppy blanket, puppy rattle, Good Night Moon bunny, Zuma, Pluto and Groot. Good Lord, I could keep going. He even tucked stuffed animals into his high chair with him last night. 

Camden loves all the same push toys and ride-on toys that he loved at 18 months, and we’ve just added a couple to the list. His favorite is his shopping cart, which he pushes around the house and collects all the toys and food that he can. The cart even has a baby seat in the front, so he puts a stuffed animal in it to sit like he does when we’re at the store. It’s adorable! 


bath links and son 1

21 Month Favorites – Bath Toys


Bath time is a big deal in this house .Camden loves the chance to play with all of his toys in the bath tub, so we make sure to leave at least 30 minutes of playtime for the bath tub every night. There are a ton of bath toys that he loves, but in the last few months, he’s gotten a few new ones that he’s really into. These Nuby Bath Links have become his most played with toys as of late. He loves making me link them together, swinging them through the water with the turtle on the end, shouting, ‘Toor-tal!’ and giggling, and then pulling all the pieces apart and making me put them back together again! 

silly squirts opened up 1silly squirts on tub 1

He’s also loving these little bear and elephant Silly Squirts. In fact, this morning, he grabbed the elephant out of the bath toy bin and carried it around the house, hugging it and making us hug it too. haha. They’re nice because they pull apart in the middle so that you can drain the water out of them and prevent mold and mildew. It’s a little bit hard to pull them apart, but it gets easier the more times you do it. 




Nuby bath botas in the tub 1


And these Nuby Bath Boats are Camden’s other current favorite because they helped him learn his colors. In the past month, he has mastered most of his basic colors, and he gets a kick out of pulling out all 5 boats and naming each color. Plus, he loves to drive them around the tub and make boat noises. I’m a big fan of basic toys that require imagination, and these fit that bill! Plus they’re only $5 – a perfect stocking stuffer! 

*These Nuby bath toys were provided to me for a review, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.*

son in jacket from kids on 45th

21 Month Favorites – Clothes

son in shirt from kids on 45th 21 month favorites clothes


I suppose this is more of my favorites than Camden’s, although he does pick out his shirt and pajamas most days. I’m loving a couple different places for buying his toddler clothes right now. He’s in this awkward stage where I don’t want to buy any more 18 month clothes because he’ll outgrow them soon, but 2T clothes are still huge on him. So I’m stocking up and sometimes I’m layering and sometimes he’s just wearing things that are huge on him. 

As always, I’m loving Carter’s for his clothes. but while we were in Wisconsin (check out our trip here), I found a couple great things at The Children’s Place. This buffalo plaid pullover was under $10, and this toddler boys chaos tee was only $4! 

My other favorite place to get Camden’s clothes is Kids on 45th. Have you heard of this company? It’s an online store that sends you perfect-condition secondhand (or new-with-tags!) clothes at amazing prices! You can get on their website and fill out a form in 2 minutes. You pick what items you want – like 2 shirts, 2 jeans, and a winter coat – and then you can select your style and what you like or don’t like. Also, you can make notes that you love stripes and button downs, but you don’t want any sweatpants. Then they’ll pack up a box of surprise items and send it to you! The items are often only about $4 each, which is as much or less than you’d pay at any consignment store.

Plus, I can save you even more! Use the code BISCUITS to save $10 on your first box! That’s at least one free shirt and pants – an entire outfit for free! This is a great way to stock your kids’ closets, no matter what size they are. If you want to see more about the clothes we received, click here


Sprout Organic Wafflez

21 Month Favorites – Snacks

We’ve found some new favorite snacks in the last few months. Barnana Organic Banana Bites are dried – chewy – banana bites; the company takes bananas that aren’t fit to sell and turns them into these bites. They don’t look pretty, but Camden sure thinks they taste delicious! These Sprout Organic Waffelz (yes, the spelling drives me nuts too) are a favorite of Camden’s, and I like that they’re individually wrapped. They’re kind of like a waffle cookie, but they’ve got whole grains, fruits and veggies packed into them! Sprout also has these Organic Curlz (again with the spelling) that are like cheese curls, but made with chickpea and lentil flour. Camden could eat an entire container at once if I’d let him. 


reaching for apple in orchard

Favorite Places to Play

Since it’s fall, we’ve been checking items off our Fall Toddler Bucket List! Camden has loved playing at 2 different pumpkin patches and 2 different apple orchards. We’ve made (and played with) a Halloween sensory bin, and crunched leaves on our walks. Camden went hiking for the first time and loved being able to walk the trails. We recently went to a petting zoo put on by our local library, and he had a blast! And we also took a short vacation to Wisconsin Dells and played at an indoor playground and zoo in Madison and all over the Dells! 


Overall, the past few months have been wonderful! Camden is currently in a huge learning leap, and it is so much fun to watch. I hope you’ll check out some of our favorite toys, snacks and places to play. There are so many great 21 month favorites! 

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